Freitag, 31. August 2018

New Paper Featuring an Extension of the Pattern Taxonomy

This week, Steffen Wendzel presented a new paper on hiding patterns at the ARES CUING workshop:

W. Mazurczyk, S. Wendzel, K. Cabaj: Towards Deriving Insights into Data Hiding Methods Using Pattern-based Approach, in Proc. Second International Workshop on Criminal Use of Information Hiding (CUING 2018) at ARES, pp. 10:1-10:10, ACM, 2018.

This paper introduces two things: an extension of the existing pattern taxonomy and a new taxonomy of distributed covert channel techniques.

As this paper updates the existing pattern taxonomy, we updated our online pattern collection accordingly. Please note that some existing patterns have slightly different names (aliases) and identifiers now in order to provide a better numbering system.